Internationale Forschende und Stipendiaten zu Gast

Internationale Forschende und Stipendiaten sind regelmäßig an der Technischen Fakultät zu Gast und führen in Zusammenarbeit mit Gastgeberinnen und Gastgebern ein eigenes Forschungsprojekt durch. Wir freuen uns, unsere Gäste vorstellen zu dürfen und heißen sie willkommen.
Prof. Dr. Matin Mahmoudifard
My research areas I am developing novel nanomaterials for the biomedical applications like tissue engineering, biosensing and drug delivery systems. Home University / Research Institute Institute for genetic engineering and biotechnology (NIGEB), Tehran, Iran Host res...
Prof. Papia Haque, PhD
My research areas Bioactive glass based biomaterials for wound healing applications Home University / Research Institute Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Department, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Host research group Department of Materials Science and Eng...
Dr. Karthikeyan Hariharan
My research areas Corrosion, High temperature oxidation, Superalloys, Alloy development Home University / Research Institute Fontana Corrosion Center, The Ohio State University, USA Host research group Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chair of Surface...
Prof. Dr. Chong Han
My research areas Terahertz Wireless Communications Home University / Research Institute Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Host research group Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute for Digital Communications, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Gerstacker Research ...
Dr. Ashton Egan
My research areas Nickel and Cobalt Based Superalloys, Electron Microscopy (SEM and S/TEM), Local Phase Transformation, Mechanical Deformation Home University / Research Institute The Ohio State University and the Center for Electron Microscopy and Analysis (CEMAS) Ho...
Dr. Shaoxiong Xie
Dr. Pannan Isa Kyesmen
My research areas
Nanomaterials for energy applications, photocatalysis, hydrogen generation, and solar energy harnessing. Home University / Research Institute Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, Nigeria. Host research group Chair for Surface Scienc...
Prof. Dr. George Karagiannidis
My research areas Wireless Communication Theory, Mathematics and Statistics with Applications to Communication Theory, Optical Wireless Communications, Convergence of Communications and Computing Home University / Research Institute Aristotle University of Thessaloniki...