Visiting Professor: Welcome to Professor Ivan Kempson

Eine Person mit kurzen, braunen Haaren, lächelt freundlich in die Kamera. Die Person trägt ein hellblaues Hemd und eine blau-schwarz getreifte Krawatte.
Professor Ivan Kempson, University of South Australia

Visiting Professor from the University of South Australia

Associate Professor Ivan Kempson is leading a division of Biophysics at the Future Industries Institute of University of South Australia, Adelaide. Working at the interface of bio-inorganic chemistry and surface science, he applies physical-chemistry concepts and characterization tools to areas of nanotechnology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sciences.

He is currently visiting Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Friedrich, FAU Institute of Medical Biotechnology, Department CBI.


Ivan Kempson will present his topic „Nanoparticle Modulation of therapeutic Response to Radiation Therapy“ publicly in a Colloquium on 29 June 2023, 4 – 5.30 pm, Kurssaal KSI, Cauerstr. 4, 91054 Erlangen (Südgelände).

There will be opportunity for discussions after the talk with Beer and Pretzels !!

Further information

Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Friedrich
Institute of Medical Biotechnology