Dr. Carlos Lange Bassani

Humboldt Research Fellowship

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Dr. Carlos Lange Bassani (Image: Meysam Bagheri)

My research areas:

Crystal growth and agglomeration, heat and mass transfer, multiphase flow, thermodynamics.

Home University / Research Institute

I developed my PhD studies in the Joint International Research Program of Gas Hydrates and Multiphase Flow, in the collaboration of the Multiphase Flow Research Center (NUEM) at the Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil, the SPIN Centre of Chemical Engineering at Mines Saint-Etienne, France, and the Phases to Flow Laboratory at the Colorado School of Mines, USA.

Host research group

Prof. Dr. Michael Engel’s group (https://engellab.de/), at the Institute for Multiscale Simulation, Department of Chemical and Bioengineering.

Research period at the Faculty of Engineering, FAU:

01.11.2022 – 31.10.2024

What is the focus of your research during your visit?

Zwei Personen blicken freundlich in die Kamera.
Dr. Carlos Lange Bassani and Prof. Dr. Michael Engel (Image: Meysam Bagheri)

I joined Prof. Dr. Michael Engel’s team, an expert group in molecular dynamic simulations, in order to establish the multiscale links between crystal growth at the molecular scale, and hydrodynamic-induced agglomeration occurring at meso- and macroscales (my previous experience). The systems of interest comprise gas clathrate hydrates, one of the promising materials capable of sequestrating carbon dioxide aiming at the reduction of global warming impacts.

I choose FAU because:

The possibility of seeking a strong academic career in different fields was determinant in the choice of FAU by my wife, Bruna Singh, and I. While she joined the International Doctoral Program on “Business and Human Rights: Governance Challenges in a Complex World”, funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria, I joined the Institute for Multiscale Simulation, a unique scientific environment that focus in the intertwined physical-chemistry of micro-, meso- and macroscale. FAU offers access to high performing computers for simulation purposes, as well as to modern experimental facilities, giving the perfect conditions to answer the fundamental open questions of the field. With vivid discussions in a diverse, multidisciplinary team, Prof. Dr. Michael Engel’s group is a healthy place for the development of pioneer and creative science.

Further information

Prof. Dr. Michael Engel
Institute for Multiscale Simulation